What do you all think of the name Anita?
I don't like it.
There was a joke years ago - perhaps it was true - that an exotic dance teacher's name was Anita Belli. Which is ... appropriate!
I don't enjoy it particularly: I'm so fond of Anne that Anita seems unnecessary and not very distinguished, like putting a party hat on a tiger.
I don't enjoy it particularly: I'm so fond of Anne that Anita seems unnecessary and not very distinguished, like putting a party hat on a tiger.
It's my mother's name, so I think it's fine. And for the record, I don't think she's ever heard the I need a jokes because of her name.
I've always loved this name ever since I was a small child. I think it's beautiful and let's face it, it's so much prettier than drab old Ann/Anne/Anna.
It's kind of cute, but very dated...
I don't dislike the name itself, just the fact that it forever lends itself to I-need-a jokes. Which could be particularly bad if she marries into an unfortunate last name.
I like it because I know a really fantastic lady named Anita, but I don't like it because of the I-need-a jokes.
I don't care for it. It is really dated to me and I have known 2 and neither were my favorite people.