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Trillian (edited, because I can't spell)
Yes, I've been reading "The Hitchikers' Guide To the Universe." Do you think this name could ever work IRL? I kind of like it, but I'm not sure. :/

This message was edited 2/5/2011, 5:50 PM

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No, because it sounds too much like the number.
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I used to work with a girl named Trillian (after the book) it threw me the first time I heard it, but then it was just sort of like "Oh, it's just Trillian" Maybe because it's so similar to Jillian? Sometimes she went by Trilly, but usually it was just Trillian. So yes, I do think it can work because I have seen it work.
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I'm using it right now. It's a chat program that you can use to connect all of your instant message accounts into one program. Having not read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, that's my first thought.
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Trillian = Tricia MacMillan, right? I've actually seen Trillian in BA's so I think it's usable. I just don't think it's very good, because I think it was an ironic creation to begin with, i.e. it was supposed to be funny - and because it invites a tr.., I mean, oh-so-many unflattering and unfunny possible puns.
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Funny you should mention this as I just watched the television mini-series last week. I was thinking how, while I don't particularly care for it, this is a name I should be seeing more of. It seems like it fits in with some of the current trends.
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That was Trillian though, wasn't it?I think it would be pretty amusing IRL but I doubt if anyone would use it :P
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It's almost usable... but not quite lol.
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No.It's just a large number to me.
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It's trillion times worse than anything I've seen in real life!
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It's got an attractive sound but the fact that it is a number works against it for me. I'm pretty open-minded with word-names, but I haven't crossed over to number-names just yet. If it was Trillian, I think I'd be more ok with it, oddly.
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It was Trillian.
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Whoops! You're right. :)
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