what do you guys think of the name Boris? :]
This message was edited 1/12/2011, 8:21 AM
I like the name quite a lot, but only when pronounced the Russian way. "Bore-iss" is too close to "bored" for my taste.
On a similar, yet off-topic note, I have the same sentiment toward Ivan. The Russian pronunciation sounds beautiful, but the English doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
On a similar, yet off-topic note, I have the same sentiment toward Ivan. The Russian pronunciation sounds beautiful, but the English doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
Great for a pet or an old man, horrible for a baby.
Boris and Natasha. I guess it's an alright name but because of that it seems rather comical. Also, I think there was a Boris the bear in a couple Bugs Bunny cartoons. No wonder the name sound funny to me.
Can't stand it, sorry. It reminds me of "boar" as well as "boring," as well as a Russian stereotype. (I remember a movie where this private investigator didn't know a Russian cop's first name, so he just kept calling him Boris.)
I've never liked it as I think it's very ugly but it's unusable here now because of the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson. As amusing as he is, he's not really a great association!
Boris Becker association is too strong for me...
I love the Russian pronunciaiton, "buh-REES." But the English pronunciaiton "BOR-is" makes me think of insects boring their way into things.
This message was edited 1/12/2011, 11:56 AM
It's not my style at all, but I wouldn't mind meeting a little Boris.
I'd love to see a young person named Boris, but it's not something I would use. Not a bad name, just not my style.
I've never seen
so much Boris-love in one place...weird! I am definitely not on that bandwagon. Boris reminds me of the word "horrid" - and of Borat.
so much Boris-love in one place...weird! I am definitely not on that bandwagon. Boris reminds me of the word "horrid" - and of Borat.
I know, right?!
I don't have any hugely negative associations with the name Boris, and in the BTN context I can certainly see why so many of us like it, but it's just not for me. First of all, I'm generally not wild about -or and -ar sounds in names. They're just not for me. But the main reason I don't really like the name Boris is because it reminds me of borscht, which I quite dislike. =P
I don't have any hugely negative associations with the name Boris, and in the BTN context I can certainly see why so many of us like it, but it's just not for me. First of all, I'm generally not wild about -or and -ar sounds in names. They're just not for me. But the main reason I don't really like the name Boris is because it reminds me of borscht, which I quite dislike. =P
I love borscht. You mentioning it just adds a touch of charm to the whole affair. ;-)
I can see why the name isn't someone's cup of tea, though.
I love borscht. You mentioning it just adds a touch of charm to the whole affair. ;-)
I can see why the name isn't someone's cup of tea, though.
To each her own beets! =P.
I wanted to...
make a crack about one's cup of borscht or soup rather than tea, but I decided to not go there. The megadork in me regrets it. :-(
make a crack about one's cup of borscht or soup rather than tea, but I decided to not go there. The megadork in me regrets it. :-(
That would have been MAGNIFICENT!
that's more of the answer I was expecting to see ahaha
ew.. borat :[
ew.. borat :[
You're welcome
Glad to be the predictable one! :o)
Glad to be the predictable one! :o)
I like the name Boris, but it always reminds me of Tommy's grandpa Boris from Rugrats.
ahaha I didn't even think of that.
the only person that come into my mind is Boris Becker
the only person that come into my mind is Boris Becker
I love it! It calls to mind a cuddly bear.
aww haha :]
I almost named my puppy Boris, but I want to save it for a kid :D
I almost named my puppy Boris, but I want to save it for a kid :D
Love, love, love. I am irrationally infatuated with Boris.
My favorite combo is Boris Koloman. It took me a long time to find a middle name that I felt did Boris justice and at the same time didn't sound uber-Russian (since that's not what I'm personally going for with it).
I like it in the middle name spot with a few of my favorites but it seems like acknowledging Boris as some kind of secret shame to make it the middle name. ;-) Otherwise I do like Karl Boris and Robert Boris (though I usually pair them together as Karl Robert, so those aren't my stock Boris combos).
Love, love, love. I am irrationally infatuated with Boris.
My favorite combo is Boris Koloman. It took me a long time to find a middle name that I felt did Boris justice and at the same time didn't sound uber-Russian (since that's not what I'm personally going for with it).
I like it in the middle name spot with a few of my favorites but it seems like acknowledging Boris as some kind of secret shame to make it the middle name. ;-) Otherwise I do like Karl Boris and Robert Boris (though I usually pair them together as Karl Robert, so those aren't my stock Boris combos).
There is...
definitely a little Boris club on this board. Maybe you won't find as many enthusiasts in real life, but it has its appreciators here. :-)
definitely a little Boris club on this board. Maybe you won't find as many enthusiasts in real life, but it has its appreciators here. :-)
that's good to know! haha
my sister just rolls her eyes at me when I say how much I love Boris
my sister just rolls her eyes at me when I say how much I love Boris
Probably like most real-life people would. :o) Including me.