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Saw a BA today for an Evening Natalya Rose
I like it actually... What does everyone else think?
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so sexythat's like a negligee in name form. I like it, though it's a bit disconcerting to think of it on a baby or small child. It seems best suited to an exotic and sensual woman. It kind of sounds like a Bond girl name.
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That was seriously my first thought...I actually had to stop and think about whether or not it had been used in a Bond movie. :-)I think it's pretty to look at, but I don't know how I'd feel bearing the name itself. It's a time of day. I wouldn't use Midnight or Morning, either, for the same reason.
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I don't like Evening, I much prefer just Eve.
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Evening Natalya Rose is a beautiful combo. I like Evening as a name.
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I like the combo a lot, but the name Evening itself isn't quite as good as the whole combo :)
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It is sort of charming though not something I'd likely ever use. I already love the name Eve :)
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Evening is one of my guilty pleasures. I think it makes such a pretty name.That is a lovely combo, although I would prefer the spelling Natalia.
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Yes, I like Nathalia, but it's really a very romantic sounding name all together isn't it?
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I think it's lovely :)
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