I had been contemplating Aquinna awhile back for a baby girl name, but took it off my list because it is a little weird - hard to say.
What do you all think of the name Aquinna, or Aquinnah? Would that be a hard name to address someone by all the time?
Aquinnah Demars.
Not sure about it. Thought I'd ask your opinion.
What do you all think of the name Aquinna, or Aquinnah? Would that be a hard name to address someone by all the time?
Aquinnah Demars.
Not sure about it. Thought I'd ask your opinion.
Combined with the name Demars, it's a bit of a tongue-twister. A pretty name, though.
Aquinna jsut would not work as a name in my opinion. Sorry!
Aquinnah i like a lot, Michael J Fox has a daugther named this
i like it a lot im naming my child something exotic etc. as well i wish i coould change my name though anywho
Most people here will not like it, but I do (quite a bit actually). I only like the spelling Aquinnah as its an actual place name, its somewhere on the coast of Massuchessettes (or however its spelled). I think in the Martha Vineyard area.
"The newborn baby has only three demands. They are warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breastfeeding satisfies all three". Dr.Grantly Dick-Read
"The newborn baby has only three demands. They are warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breastfeeding satisfies all three". Dr.Grantly Dick-Read
I go back and forth on it, but even though I'd probably never use it, I think it's rather pretty. I prefer the spelling Aquinnah, btw.


How about Damara Aquinnah? Pronounced DA-mara e-KEY-na.
I really like Aquinnah. It's different but not too way out there. And no it wouldnt be hard to say everyday. The middle name tho, just doesnt fit, in my opinion.
Other middle name suggestions:
Aquinnah Daisy
Aquinnah Iris
Aquinnah Isobel
Aquinnah Linnea
Aquinnah Niamh
Aquinnah Lior or Aquinnah Liora
Aquinnah Phoebe
Aquinnah Cho
Aquinnah Jadis
Aquinnah Cerys
Aquinnah Frances
Aquinnah Genesis
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, and Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
Other middle name suggestions:
Aquinnah Daisy
Aquinnah Iris
Aquinnah Isobel
Aquinnah Linnea
Aquinnah Niamh
Aquinnah Lior or Aquinnah Liora
Aquinnah Phoebe
Aquinnah Cho
Aquinnah Jadis
Aquinnah Cerys
Aquinnah Frances
Aquinnah Genesis
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, and Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
Aquinnah is very cute and Aquinnah Demars sounds like a writer or an artist to me. Quinn would work as a nickname : )
CIARDA"Names are not always what they seem. The common Welsh
name Bzjxxllwcp is pronounced Jackson." - Mark Twain
Loving the names: Mira, Lilia, Dominic, Asher
Proud Aunt to Everett & Ella
name Bzjxxllwcp is pronounced Jackson." - Mark Twain
Loving the names: Mira, Lilia, Dominic, Asher
Proud Aunt to Everett & Ella
Aloisia -- now there's a name that's out there, but not too out there.
Aquinnah is too out there, sorry.
Aquinnah is too out there, sorry.
I like Aquinna subjectively, but I don't think I would like it on a real person. I just tried to imagine a little girl with the name and immediately I thought that it would get shortened to "Ack"! I don't think I like it, sorry.
It's unique. It's a name that will probably grow on me. I like the nickname "Quinny" for the name.
actually, i like Aquinna, with or without the h
not sure about the Ddemars, sounds kind of like demise to me, but that is, of course, just me.
not sure about the Ddemars, sounds kind of like demise to me, but that is, of course, just me.
I don't like it at all.
But if I had to pick a spelling, I'd pick Aquinna.
Aeon: I know I came here to kill you...
Trevor Goodchild: That's why you're in a cell.
But if I had to pick a spelling, I'd pick Aquinna.
Aeon: I know I came here to kill you...
Trevor Goodchild: That's why you're in a cell.