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Re: Liesel
I love Liesl, but only this spelling. I take advantage when I can put two letters "legitimately" together that normally don't get to. Plus, Liesel reminds me of diesel fuel.Liesel Charlotte / Carlotta
Liesel Helene
Liesel Katharine
Liesel Miranda
Liesel Henrietta
Liesel Bryony
Liesel Josephine
Liesel Marianne (I once knew a woman who wanted to use Lise Marianne as a combo. "LEE-zuh")
Liesel Astrid
Liesel Gwyneth
Liesel Margarethe / Marjorie
Liesel Bronwen
Liesel Virginia
Liesel Francisca
Liesel Daphne
Liesel Monica
Liesel Renata
Liesel Fredrika / Frederica ("freh-DREE-cuh")
Liesel Hester
Liesel AdelaideYou like?

This message was edited 12/8/2010, 12:31 PM

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Thank you. Liesel Katharine and Liesel Bronwen are nice. :)
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