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Re: My new top names
ooo i like the idea of honouring Robin HoodMale:
Brendan Kelly - i'm not a fan, though i prefer Kelly on a boy
Harrison Remiel - not a fan
James Faramund - Nice, distinguished sounding
Mark Emmanuel - I'd prefer Emmanuel Marc
Nicholas Carroll - Lovely
Richard Thomas* Nice, handsome
Robert Lachlan** - dislike
Rohan Fiachra - dislike
Everly Maeve - nice but nms
Galatea Tess - dislike
Gloria Rosamund - lovely, retro in a good way, great really i would love to see a little Gloria walking around
Godelieve Lore - i like Lore as a mn
Liana Catherine - nice
Nefertari Leila - i wouldnt have the first clue how to pronounce it, I like Leila in the mn spot alot more than the fn, it works
Philippa Sage - nice
Sarah Gillian - lovelyNn for Godelieve - erm.. Eve/Evie, Li (pronouced Lee), Liv/Livvy possibly
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PronunciationNefertari is pronounced neh-fur-TAHR-ee.
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