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Re: My new top names
I'll comment on some of them.
Brendan Kelly - I like this. Very guy-next-door-y. And baseball-y.
Harrison Remiel - Like! Remiel really brings out the classiness in Harrison.
James Faramund - Like this a lot, too! Great sound, and nice strong, academic feel.
Nicholas Carroll - Love, my favorite combo of the list. They're so red and Christmasy and warm and snuggly together.Everly Maeve - I like Maeve, but Everly is just so made-up and trendy. Yuck. I was really surprised to see it.
Godelieve Lore - Nice, it's really hard to pair Godelieve I've found. I think I'd use the nn Liv.
Philippa Sage - Ooh, nice subdued colors in this one, and it's very pillowy.
Sarah Gillian - Love this combo, it happens to be one of mine, too! They just fit so nicely together and look great together. Such a happy, helpful, successful name.
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