Upon seeing this name, how would you pronounce it?
"LOW-ree" (low said like "low")
Like the surname Lowry, is that not how it is said?
Like the surname Lowry, is that not how it is said?
ew... not liking the spelling at all... something between Lori (girly fn) and Lowry (ln) and I'd hope it wasn't being used on anybody.
LOW-ree (low rhymes with now)
LOW-ree (LOW sounds like "cow").
'Low' rhyming with 'cow'.
With the LOW part rhyming with how.
Low (rhyming with wow)-ree.
Like Lois Lowry
Like Lois Lowry
LOU-ree ("ou" as in "ouch")
Low (rhyming with wow)-ree...
This message was edited 11/6/2010, 7:02 PM
I've encountered the last name Lowry pronounced LOW-ree (the "low" part rhyming with "how"). I'd pronounce Lowri the same way.
LOW-ree (LOW pronounced as 'low').
LOW-ree to rhyme with 'cow'.
As in the word "low" or rhyming with "how"?
Like the word "low".
Like the word dowry, but an L at the start, not D.
I can see this being like Lori/Laurie, though.
I can see this being like Lori/Laurie, though.