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I like both Lou and Ella, and it occurred to me that a combo of the two is so cute. Louella just strikes me as a sweet, happy name. WDYT? Is it dated and hickish or pretty in a retro kind of way?
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It does sound pretty and, somehow, dignified as well. I like it.My niece-in-law is Louanne, mn Shirley, mostly known as Lou; her two sisters are Noelle and Suellen, known as Sukie.
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I love it spelled Luella.... and nn Lula :)Luella Mercy is on my own long list
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I like Louella, which I certainly don't consider "hickish." I prefer Luella, though.
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I think it's more dated and hickish. Llewella is a prettier alternative. :)
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I'd say dated and hickish. It also reminds me of Louella Parsons, and she was a catty gossip columnist, so I don't have much warmth for the name.
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I think it's sweet, but I think first Llewella, logically. :) I think the spellin Louella seems a bit less hickish than Luella, too.
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