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I was in the Supermarket tonight and a mom called out to her daughter (aged about 5) and called her Malibu several times.First time I have ever heard that used as a name before.
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I'd think someone was asking someone to grab the rum for him/ her. Not a good person's name.
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Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh. Just plain bad. Makes me think of Malibu Stacy from The Simpsons.
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Middle name Barbie?
Some place names are okay, some are ridiculous. Malibu is just trashy. I can see a future sibling named Hollywood.
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I don't like Malibu at all. :( All I can think of is Malibu, California.
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Wow, she must really love the white rum to use it as a name
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Naw, maybe she just likes that model of Chevy. Seriously, though, Malibu is a horrible name for anyone not related to Barbie.
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That's... unbelievably tacky.
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