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What do you think about Augustinian? I love the nickname Gus but I don't care for August. I like Augustus, Augustin, and Augustine but but I don't love them. Do you think it could work in real life?
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No it is too long and complicated. Imagine trying to teach him to spell his own name! And also spelling it for other people, because very few people would know how to spell it right first time I think.
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One of my cousins graduated with a Gustav nn Gus. Would that work better for you? Avgust is the Russian word for August, and could be another possiblility.
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It's a little too ornate for me. It's hard to imagine it working well for a child born these days. I prefer August, Augustus, Augustin, and Augustine.
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It's way too over the top for me, I'm sorry. :/ I suppose it could work in real life if the person uses the nn Gus a lot.
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How about Agusto? I love Augustine on a girl
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I think it's a bit more fussy than the other names you mentioned but I don't dislike it. I like Augustus much better.
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I like it, but it seems too long for real life. If it was always Gus, I suppose. I'd say either this or Augustin.
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