Ernestina / Ernestine
Ooh! I love Ernestine! Very pretty!
I love Ernestine!
Plus: It IS wearable :)
Plus: It IS wearable :)
Thanks! :-)
Ernestina is kinda cute...
I don't know.... I once knew an Ernestine who hated me.. I mean, heated me and for no good reason. I have the hardest time seeing past that...
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that and I understand that such an association can ruin a name.
Both are OK. I like Ernesta better. I think anything goes in the way of baby names any more.
I like Ernesta too. Thing is, Ernestina/Ernestine would be honouring; while I'm usually rather lenient when it comes to using the exact same name or just a variant of said name for honouring purposes, it's somehow different in this case and I really want to use either Ernestina or Ernestine.
I'm just a little worried that this name might be too cumbersome for a girl in this day and age.
I'm just a little worried that this name might be too cumbersome for a girl in this day and age.
Oh, good point! I didn't even think of any nicknames yet, and Stina never even occured to me. While it's not my favourite nickname, I'd be ok with it, at least I think so...
Thank you! :-)
Thank you! :-)
WHOA! He's a keeper for sure! Go, team musty-frumpy! ;-)
Definitely a keeper!!
This is the third time that one of my names has been called hipster chic... could it be... might it be possible that I am.... a hipster? Lol ;-)
Oh but that's interesting: everyone around me keeps telling me that -a endings are much more approachable and fresh and modern than -e endings. Personally, I like both versions of this name (and both forms appeared on the birth certificate of the person I want to honour...), so I guess it depends on the middle name or the first name I'd pair it with.
Thanks! :-)
Oh but that's interesting: everyone around me keeps telling me that -a endings are much more approachable and fresh and modern than -e endings. Personally, I like both versions of this name (and both forms appeared on the birth certificate of the person I want to honour...), so I guess it depends on the middle name or the first name I'd pair it with.
Thanks! :-)
In theory, I really like it. In practice, it seems like a lot to ask someone to pull off (*says the person who loves Albert Octavian...*).
I've actually considered this name from time to time because it would be honoring someone in my family, but I always talk myself out of it.
I wouldn't say it is "frumpy," just...heavy. It would take the exact right personality to pull it off, I think. And that's a big gamble to take, you know?
I've actually considered this name from time to time because it would be honoring someone in my family, but I always talk myself out of it.
I wouldn't say it is "frumpy," just...heavy. It would take the exact right personality to pull it off, I think. And that's a big gamble to take, you know?
LOL, same story here ;-)
I really want to use either Ernestina or Ernestine because it would honour someone (in my family) who is enormously important to me.
I'm just not sure if the world's ready for the return of the Ernestines... Then again, she might take the same route as Matilda (at least I hope so)...
Thing is, I think she's too pretty to be hidden in the middle name spot... Hmmmm.
I really want to use either Ernestina or Ernestine because it would honour someone (in my family) who is enormously important to me.
I'm just not sure if the world's ready for the return of the Ernestines... Then again, she might take the same route as Matilda (at least I hope so)...
Thing is, I think she's too pretty to be hidden in the middle name spot... Hmmmm.