Evangeline or Evelyn?
Which do you like better?
Evangeline or Evelyn?
Thanks for your opinions!
Kaylie Anne xx
(my friends site)
Evangeline or Evelyn?
Thanks for your opinions!
Kaylie Anne xx
(my friends site)
I would probably choose Evangeline, as I find it prettier and more feminine than Evelyn, plus it is kinda "fresher".
I'm actually really liking Evangeline at the moment. I don't know why, it's just caught my attention.

My 45 PPs - names in profile

My 45 PPs - names in profile
This message was edited 12/5/2005, 5:19 PM
Evelyn. I've been thinking about this name a lot lately. It's lovely.
definatly evelyn
Evangeline is beautiful but a bit long. Evelyn with 3 syllables is perfect.
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
Evangeline is beautiful but a bit long. Evelyn with 3 syllables is perfect.
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
I don't really like either, personally, but I guess I prefer Evangeline over Evelyn.
"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's to dark to read."
~Groucho Marx~
"An explanation of cause is not a justification by reason."
~C. S. Lewis~
"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's to dark to read."
~Groucho Marx~
"An explanation of cause is not a justification by reason."
~C. S. Lewis~
Both are pretty but I prefer Evelyn. If you would like a more unusual name, I would go with Evangeline though. Evelyn has been getting more popular.
Devenatley Evelyn imo.
love both names
Evangeline is kind of a guilty pleasure name for me since I like it but it's so darn frilly that I don't care to admit that I like it. I much prefer Evelyn even with that in mind, though.

I like Evangeline the best.
~ Charlie Blue
On Vacation In France.
MY DAD: "A firefly just flew down your back. Didn't you get burned?"
THEN ME: "No, it probably turned it's engine off."
~ I'm 10.
~ Charlie Blue
On Vacation In France.
MY DAD: "A firefly just flew down your back. Didn't you get burned?"
THEN ME: "No, it probably turned it's engine off."
~ I'm 10.
I love them both, but Evelyn would stand the test of time better. A very difficult one to call.
Tough call.
I myself would be much more likely to use Evangeline, because it's long, nickname-ful (hee), and melifluous to my ears. For other peoples' kids, I'd rather see Evelyn. While I think it deserves a revival, it's not one I'd ever use myself.
No matter when or where you've seen
All the knives seem to lacerate your brain
I've had my share, I'll help you with the pain
You're not alone
I myself would be much more likely to use Evangeline, because it's long, nickname-ful (hee), and melifluous to my ears. For other peoples' kids, I'd rather see Evelyn. While I think it deserves a revival, it's not one I'd ever use myself.
All the knives seem to lacerate your brain
I've had my share, I'll help you with the pain
You're not alone
I like Evangeline