Do you think Sebastian is too much when paired with a long surname? Our last name is 6 syllables and is of Fijian descent which makes our last name almost unheard of in the US. DH and I really like this name but I'm almost afraid to use it because I'm afraid he'll get teased for having a long and elaborate name.
Sebastian is an excellent name, and if he or you or anyone should shorten it to Seb (like Sebastian Coe, Olympic athlete), it would be fine, surely?
I actually don't see length as a problem or as cause for teasing. Consider the names his friends will probably have - he'll look mainstream! Go for it.
I actually don't see length as a problem or as cause for teasing. Consider the names his friends will probably have - he'll look mainstream! Go for it.
I don't think it would matter at all. If both you and DH actually like and agree on the name Sebastian, then use it!
I really like Sebastian and would consider using it for our son. Luckily he would only have a one syllable last name though. Sebastian would work with a longer last name if you had a nn to shorten it too, unfortunantly there are not many nns for Sebastian.
Not at all. I know plenty of Sebastian's and two of them have really long and complicated surnames, but I haven't seen that as a problem. And it isn't like Sebastian is unheard of, everyone will know how to spell his name.
I don't know, if you call him a shorter nickname it wouldn't be a huge deal. I went to college with a guy whose first name was 4 syllables and last name was a 6 syllable Indonesian name and everyone thought it was awesome. He went by a 2 syllable nickname.
I think that Sebastian is pretentious no matter what surname it's paired with, and I don't like the BAST sound in it.
I think it's interesting. My last name is incredibly complex, but that wouldn't stop me from naming my first daughter Theodora.
I knew a Sebastian but his last name was just one syllable.
We called him Sebas (pronounced Sea-Bass) for short. I don't think it would be bad to pair up Sebastian with a long surname... it will make him stand out but I doubt he would get teased by that alone...
We called him Sebas (pronounced Sea-Bass) for short. I don't think it would be bad to pair up Sebastian with a long surname... it will make him stand out but I doubt he would get teased by that alone...