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Faigel or Riva?
Do you like the name Faigel or Riva better?
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Riva. Faigel is somewhat derogatory slang for a homosexual.
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RivaFaigel looks like a gay bagel. Sorry, I'm not usually quite that vulgar, but really it could hardly be missed by scores of little 'friends' on the playground. There must be other bird-related names that would work better, though I only really like Robin and then for a boy.Riva is pretty and straightforward: no hidden agendas!
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I prefer Riva. It has a prettier sound.
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1. Rivka
2. Faigel
3. Riva
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I actually had to check up Faigel, it sounds like the Swedish word "fågel" meaning bird. Funny to see that Faigel means bird ;PBut I don't like any of the names. But out of them, I would go with Riva even though that is another Swedish word... =P
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FaigelIt's more fun. Yes, I really like that name.
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