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Yes? No? Nicknames? Middle names? My DH is set on this name for our baby if it's a boy. I'm not totally sold.
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a questionIs it said "yo-HAN-ez" or "YO-han", or are you saying it a different way?Regardless, I think it is pretty great; it's got super-old-school cool written all over it.Though it appears long, I think it does well withouta nickname. Nothing reaslly comes to mind anyhow. Yo? yuck.Johannes Jude
Johannes Theodore
Johannes Franz
Johannes Beau
Johannes Victor
Johannes Karl
Johannes William
Johannes Henry
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Awwww, Janek. It's soooo cute!
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Sure! It's great. I am a Brahms AND Vermeer fan, so it conjures good artistic associations. Johannes Alexander
Johannes Augustus
Johannes Christian
Johannes Christoph
Johannes Felix
Johannes Franciscus
Johannes Lukas
Johannes Matthias
Johannes Michael
Johannes Nicholaus
Johannes Peter
Johannes Sebastian
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Love it!!!It's such an adorable name! I went through a German phase and liked Johannes Friedrich, but now I'd go with something else. I actually like it a lot in the MN position too; I really like Soren Johannes. As for nicknames, I'd stay away from Hans since I have a bad association, but that's an option. I personally like Hannes.
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I love it! I prefer Johann but Johannes is a great name.Some nicknames: Jo, Johan / Johann, Jan, Jannes, Hannes, Hans
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I really like it! It is/recently was on my PNL. I think Jan is a really nice nickname.
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I love it. Johannes Arcangelo is my combo. I love the nn Hans
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I like Johannes and I know two people named this. For nicknames: John, Jonah, Johan, HannesJohannes Archibald
Johannes Dwayne
Johannes Nolan
Johannes Simon
Johannes Oliver
Johannes Ethan
Johannes Gabriel
Johannes Caspar
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