Lærke (LAIR-keh)
My favourite Danish name, I love it! The Swedish form is Lärka, but that doesn't appeal to me as much as lovely Lærke ... :)
I like Lark better....
For me, Lark is only so-so. Lærke, on the other hand, seems almost lyrical. I like it.
I don't know, I'd have to know some more about it. What's it's origin and meaning?
It is very interesting. The æ confused me a bit though.
I think it's a little too complicated. Why not use Larke, Lerke or Lärke instead?
BUt other than th spelling, I think the name is quite intresting.
BUt other than th spelling, I think the name is quite intresting.
Lærke (LAIR-keh)
I think it's a cool name--but is it a girl or boy name, and what about origin and stuff like that?
I think it's a cool name--but is it a girl or boy name, and what about origin and stuff like that?
This message was edited 11/26/2009, 7:32 AM