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in reply to a message by Fran
My middle name is Tippins. It's a family surname; my aunt is named Mary Tippins and called Tippy.A name that used to kick around on my short list was the nickname Tipp for a bot, which came from Thomas Perseus or some other T. P. combo, so that's an option. However, I really like Tisiphone nn Tippy.I don't like Tiggy as much, it's grottier.
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Mary Tippins nn Tippy is amazing, seriously. Tisiphone is also pretty fanastic (adding to my list!) and Tipp as a nn for Thomas Perseus is something I'd really go for.
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Wow (ETA)Tisiphone is terrific, and is going on my long list this minute. I definitely second Tisiphone, nn Tippy.ETA -- I just wanted you to know that we were typing at the same time. Mutual *zing* fest. LOL.

This message was edited 11/13/2009, 11:02 AM

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