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I'm loving the name Pixie at the moment, it's not my style at all as I usually like classic, old fashioned names. What are you opinions on Pixie? It is usable? Any combo suggestions?
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Adorable nn, but it would be horrible to be an adult called Pixie.
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I know a Nicole who went by Nix, which became Nixie and then Pixie. But not for long! Same could work for Beatrix: rather Pixie than Trixie. But not as a name on its own: remarkably, it's worse than Fay!
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I can't believe I'm going to admit this on this site, as I could be lynched for it, but I love the name Pixie! I think it's so sweet and girly, but it would be better as a mn. It would sound too young on an adult.
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Not usable, but a GREAT nn! +I don't think its usable, purely because it would be really hard to ever take someone called Pixie seriously - i know this is a cliche but think Chief Justice Pixie Lastname - to me it just doesnt work.But that said, it is an ADORABLE nickname! I think it could work for anything that begins with a P really. I really love it as a nn, its so quirky and unusual!
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It would make a cute nickname, but an embarrassing Christian name. It's too childish.
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I'd like it as a pet name... not for humans
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It would be VERY hard for me to take that 'name' seriouslyI wouldn't like it as a nn either, but as a full name it's funny. And not in a good way. If you must consider it, I'm hoping you're okay with it in the mn spot.Some suggestions:
Clarice Pixie
Lillian Pixie
Seraphine Pixie
Catherine Pixie
Sophia Pixie
Claudia Pixie
Dahlia Pixie
Vivienne Pixie
Josephine Pixie
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as a nickname, yes. As a full name, no thank youIt is darn cute as a nickname,. but I agree with Andromache and think it is far too infantile and fluffy to work as a full given name. To be honest I think Pixie as a full name sounds woefully porn-star-esque. I think Pixie could work well as a nn for Patricia (Pasty reminds me of Pixie), Beatrix, or even Elspeth.
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WoooooahHa, I just had a conversation on another forum about the name Pixie. Like I was literally talking about it just a moment ago. Everyone's all "Oh, think of the teasing" and I was saying that people don't get teased for names all that much, really. I can't really say I like it as a given name, but it would be an adorable nickname for a young child.But since you asked:Pixie Alexandra
Pixie Christophine
Pixie Sophia
Pixie Sophronia
Pixie Marguerite
Pixie Thomasine
Pixie Rosemary
Pixie Olivia
Pixie Victoria
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wowI would have never even thought to use it as a FN but a lot of these combos are friggin cute.
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I agree!Pixie Marguerite is my favourite suggestion.
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I like it a lot as a nickname.
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Unusable, imo..Too childish. It might work as a nickname, like Beatrix -> Trixie -> Pixie?
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Agree tooI'd actually find it quite embarrassing on an adult as a full name.
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I also agree.It could work as a nickname for a young girl but most people couldn't pull it off as they got older as a nickname let alone as a first name.
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agreeIt could be a cute nn, but it's silly as a full name. I suppose it could also work for Pia or something.
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