Not Ariana, but Oriana. It's another one on my mind.
WDYTO Oriana? Do you think there would be teasing - "'orrible", that sort of thing?
WDYTO Oriana? Do you think there would be teasing - "'orrible", that sort of thing?
I like it way better than Ariana. Still I can't claim that I'm a fan of it. Names ending in -ana don't do much for me in general, but I think they are alright.
"Orrible"? I don't think she'd get to hear that very often...
"Orrible"? I don't think she'd get to hear that very often...
I love it! It is my older half-sister's mn (she is Aoife Oriana) and I think it is very cool. I think it sounds best as a mn though. I would much prefer to see a little Oriana than an Ariana and I think it has as much teasing potential as Ariana has from its closeness to Aryan (i.e. not a lot IMO)
I prefer Ariana. Oriana seems kind of awkward in comparison. I don't dislike Oriana, it just seems like one of those names that would be better suited to a character than a person. I don't think there would be any teasing with this name but it probably would get confused with Ariana a lot, which could be annoying.
Oriana is so very pretty! I love it, and that's a lot considering I really dislike Ariana!
I like it well enough, but possibly it's a bit too frilly. If you worry about teasing with "horrible" then I think you can find something similar for virtually any name.
It's nms, but it's quite pretty. Reminds me of the cruise ship more than the queen, though.
I knew one once. It's okay, though not for me.
I love Oriana, but mostly as a middle name. I like it in reference to queen elizabeth and the book of madrigals written to her. It's so COOL. I can't really think of words for it other than COOL.
I don't think there would be teasing, but I also don't think it would be very practical as a first name. Or, really, that its coolness would work consistently as a first name.
I confess my only combo is Elizabeth Oriana.
I don't think there would be teasing, but I also don't think it would be very practical as a first name. Or, really, that its coolness would work consistently as a first name.
I confess my only combo is Elizabeth Oriana.