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I recently found an ancestor by this name, well it's her middle name. Anyway, I'm starting to like it. I pronounce it yah-ko-BEE-neh. WDYT?
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Loving it. I would have pronounced it Jake-o-been though! Another name I think you'd like in this vein would be Jamesina
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That's really cool!It's sounds German, anyway...especially considering how you pronounce it.
A few months ago I encountered a child Jacoba in the made me so happy to see that. I first saw the name in 8th grade...apparently it was a name most commonly used among some Scandinavian monarchy in the 17th century...I always liked it more than Jacob, but now I like both just as much.
Jacobine, especially with the German pronunciation, tops them both.
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I agree. My grandmother is German and I've recently begun to explore my family history. In talking with her, I've come across so many amazing German names: Hannelore, Waltraud, Walburga, the list goes on.
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Walburga?! Waltraud?! That's awesome! I love those names...I recently found Hedwig, Auguste, Tobias, Emil, Wilhelm Gottlieb, and Wolfgang in my family.
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I just found a Gottlieb yesterday! I also have a Hedwig, Wilhelm and Wolfgang. No Auguste or Emil that I know of.
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I like it! But I say it just like it's spelled. Jak-o-been. It reminds me of Jack o' lanterns and spidery November trees in New England and therefore is awesome.
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