Claudia or Laurel
Claudia Lauren Lastname (4 syllables)
Laurel Hannah Lastname (ditto)
Claudia Lauren Lastname (4 syllables)
Laurel Hannah Lastname (ditto)
Laurel Hannah
Claudia Lauren
Claudia is gorgeous and I would love to see it used more often! I'm not such a fan of Lauren, though. It seems dated to me. Laurel is lovely...what about Claudia Laurel?
Claudia is gorgeous and I would love to see it used more often! I'm not such a fan of Lauren, though. It seems dated to me. Laurel is lovely...what about Claudia Laurel?
I just find it much prettier.
I just find it much prettier.
They're both nice and it's a hard choice, but Laurel might fit better with the long last name.
Laurel Hannah.
I prefer the meaning of Laural way more than lame Claudia. Laurel Hannah is very pretty.
Ohh Claudia Lauren!
The epitome of class! So elegant.
The epitome of class! So elegant.