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What sort of personality do you think someone named Zoe has? Is this a likeable name? Oddball? Too Common? Please share any opinions you have about this moniker. Thanks. :)
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I have a cousin with this name and she's going to be 19 years old, early next year. She's very smart and sporty. I love the name and think it can suit a variety of different personalities.
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I like it!I hear a lot of people say that Zoe is too ditzy, or meant for a puppy more than a person. But I think it is quite beautiful and has a nice edge to it. It sounds modern, but it is an ancient name, which I personally think is awesome. I just love looking at this name. I've never met a persona named Zoe, so i can't say it's that common, at least where I am. It's quirky, but in a good way. It does lack a serious weight to it, though; it can't compete with Margaret or Dorothy for sternness. It's very airy and light.
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I find it a likable name. I think of someone fun and outgoing who would have this name.
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I would imagine a Zoe to be bubbly, ditzy, and sweet but unintelligent.
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I love Zoe, but I wouldn't use it anymore. It is a beautiful Greek name with a lovely meaning and a long history but has been ruined somewhat by its popularity and especially its alternate spellings ranging from Zoee over Zoie to Zoey and Zowie.I imagine a very lively, happy and outgoing girl who is a bit crazy in a good way. Very creative and funny.
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I've liked all the Zoes I've met, so it sounds likeable to me. I used to know a fantastic old lady called Zoe who was still running her own business at the age of 90, so I definitely don't think it sounds childish or cutesy.
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I think it's a sunny, optimistic sort of name. I can't help but picture a Zoe as being hopelessly annoying, though; TOO cheerful and upbeat.
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I like the name, but it's just too common and ordinary for me to love.
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It's well known around here that this was my mother's name, and it's my daughter's middle name, so of course I'm going to respond. It's also well-known that in my family we pronounced it without the final E sound, but I realize that the the pronunciation with the final E sound is much more common, and actually I prefer it, so I'm assuming that's the pronunciation in what I say.I think of a Zoe as having an artistic, offbeat personality, as being somebody who marches to the beat of a different drummer. Why I have this image, I don't know, since my mother was not at all like that, and was a very conventional person.I think it is a likable name. I didn't used to think so. I was influenced by mother's intense dislike of her name. But I have now come to appreciate it.It used to be oddball, if by that you mean unusual. At the time of my mom's birth, it was highly unusual, and I think that's one of the reasons she hated it. At this point, no. Nor is it too common. Not like Jennifer, Emily, Emma, Abigail, Isabella, at least. It seems to me to strike the right balance between being very unusual and very common.One opinion that I see often, and which irritates me, is that Zoe is "too cutesy" and "Can you picture this on an old woman?" Actually, I have no problem doing so, since my mom had this name up until her death at age fifty-four, and she would be eighty-one years old if she were alive today. I think the name suits all ages perfectly well.
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Thank you for sharing you personal story and honesty. Your description seems to fit my own mind, but I need some outside opinions to confirm it. I am considering the serious decision of changing my name and this keeps staying in my head. My own name is so overdone that it drives me crazy! (Jessica) And, it never really seemed to fit. I was supposed to be a Jennifer during the complete oversaturation of that one. But, my mom thought she was being wise to quickly change it to Jessica. Well, that wasn't exactly unique within a few more years. So, I run into them everywhere! I still hear little kids in the store getting yelled at and turn around, too. Conversely, I don't personally know a single person with the name Zoe! :) Nice! Anyway, I'm rambling. Thanks so much for the insight. I really appreciate it.
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be careful!I changed my name as well, and neglected to check on the popularity of the one I chose - I soon found out that Chloe was the name du jour for babies and meet more Chloes every day. while Zoe isn't nearly as popular as Chloe, it is still high up there - and with Chloe being so very popular, I often suspect that Zoe will be picked by parents who think they are escaping popularity - like your mom did with picking Jessica over Jennifer! If you are ok with possibly being surrounded by more Zoes in the future, though, then all is well!
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I kind of like it. It sounds like the name of someone spunky
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