I met a baby a few weeks ago( a very chearfull little guy, btw) who was named Jasper and although this is not a name I would use for my child I think it is a great name and I just cant get it out of my head. I wanted to post it here to see what youre opinions were. to me it seems like a "crisp" and "happy" name if that makes any sence.. Thanx
We came thisclose to naming our first son Jasper. At the very last minute (and after soooo many negative comments) we changed our minds and went with Wesley. But I still love the name and might consider it again if we have another boy.
I love Jasper. I agree with you; it strikes me as very upbeat, handsome name.
I love Jasper. It is nice and refreshing. I only know two and that's a lot for around here!
I know a Vivian Jasper, but he goes by "Viv".

November is National Adoption Month!
I know a Vivian Jasper, but he goes by "Viv".

November is National Adoption Month!
I didn't start liking it until a few months ago, and then I was in love with it for a while. I thought a boy and girl named Jasper and Ruby would be the cutest thing ever. :b I still like it a lot, but I get odd looks when I tell other people about it. *shrugs*


Jasper and Ruby... yeah,that is realy cute! :)
I like Jasper. It was the middle name of a friend who was killed in a car accident. I see it as a good-natured and fun name- and I would agree with you, crisp and happy. :)
cute name
It reminds me of the bad guy off of 101 Dalmations! haha.
Other than that, I don't think it's that bad. It's unique, which I like, and I think once people start thinking of your baby when they hear it, it'd be fine!
Other than that, I don't think it's that bad. It's unique, which I like, and I think once people start thinking of your baby when they hear it, it'd be fine!
Sorry, it makes me think of the old guy from The Simpsons, also I know a dog named Jasper.
I don't like Jasper. On a boy, I find it very sinister sounding.
(I do like it on a girl, because I consider it a gem name then, which gives it a nicer feel. But I think I'll be in the minority there!)
'Why do people with closed minds, always open their mouths?'
(I do like it on a girl, because I consider it a gem name then, which gives it a nicer feel. But I think I'll be in the minority there!)
'Why do people with closed minds, always open their mouths?'
I'm loving Jasper on girl