I'm completely enamored of Algernon. So dignified! So ponderous! So pretentious!
What do you think? Is it too pretentious?
Which of the following combinations triumph?
Algernon Cecil
Algernon Clive
Algernon Clyde
Algernon Cosimo
Algernon Cyril
Algernon David (Where did David come from?)
Algernon Dewey
Algernon Eustace (I know...)
Algernon Felix
Algernon Francis
Algernon Frank
Algernon Gaspard
Algernon Guy
Algernon Hugh
Algernon Hugo
Algernon Leo
Algernon Louis
Algernon Lucas (Hmmm...)
Algernon Matteo
Algernon Michael (Eh...)
Algernon Morris
Algernon Perry
Algernon Peter
Algernon Philip
Algernon Philippe
Algernon Samuel
Algernon Silas
Algernon Stuart
Algernon Theo
Algernon Thomas
Algernon Victor
Algernon Vincent
Algernon Vito (hehe)
Algernon Willem
Algernon William
What do you think? Is it too pretentious?
Which of the following combinations triumph?
Algernon Cecil
Algernon Clive
Algernon Clyde
Algernon Cosimo
Algernon Cyril
Algernon David (Where did David come from?)
Algernon Dewey
Algernon Eustace (I know...)
Algernon Felix
Algernon Francis
Algernon Frank
Algernon Gaspard
Algernon Guy
Algernon Hugh
Algernon Hugo
Algernon Leo
Algernon Louis
Algernon Lucas (Hmmm...)
Algernon Matteo
Algernon Michael (Eh...)
Algernon Morris
Algernon Perry
Algernon Peter
Algernon Philip
Algernon Philippe
Algernon Samuel
Algernon Silas
Algernon Stuart
Algernon Theo
Algernon Thomas
Algernon Victor
Algernon Vincent
Algernon Vito (hehe)
Algernon Willem
Algernon William
Honestly, I think it would be an awesomely cool name for a dog. (especially one with that may look as if it has a mustache)
I wouldn't be so pretentious as to use it on a human anymore. Though I do love Algy in The Importance of Being Earnest...the nickname is basically synonymous with pond scum. lol
I wouldn't be so pretentious as to use it on a human anymore. Though I do love Algy in The Importance of Being Earnest...the nickname is basically synonymous with pond scum. lol
I never think anything is too pretentious.
I LOVE Algernon...I think it might be in my top 10! Besides...I love dignified and pretentious sounding names.
I love...
Algernon Cecil (now THAT'S dignified. I'd go with that one)
Algernon Eustace
Algernon Francis
Algernon Gaspard
Algernon Perry
Algernon Thomas
Algernon Victor
Algernon William
What about the combo Algernon Percy? That's what I would use if not Algernon Cecil.
I LOVE Algernon...I think it might be in my top 10! Besides...I love dignified and pretentious sounding names.
I love...
Algernon Cecil (now THAT'S dignified. I'd go with that one)
Algernon Eustace
Algernon Francis
Algernon Gaspard
Algernon Perry
Algernon Thomas
Algernon Victor
Algernon William
What about the combo Algernon Percy? That's what I would use if not Algernon Cecil.
I really like it and don't think it sounds overly pretenious. It reminds me of two things, The Importance of Being Ernest, which is awesome, and Flowers for Algernon, which is a book I love but always makes me sad. I think it's a great name but would never use it personally.
Out of your combos, I like:
Algernon David
Algernon Francis
Algernon Hugh
Algernon Hugo
Algernon Leo
Algernon Louis
Algernon Lucas
Algernon Matteo
Algernon Michael
Algernon Samuel
Algernon Silas
Algernon Thomas
Algernon Victor
Algernon Vincent (Vincent Algernon would be awesome, though)
Algernon William
Out of your combos, I like:
Algernon David
Algernon Francis
Algernon Hugh
Algernon Hugo
Algernon Leo
Algernon Louis
Algernon Lucas
Algernon Matteo
Algernon Michael
Algernon Samuel
Algernon Silas
Algernon Thomas
Algernon Victor
Algernon Vincent (Vincent Algernon would be awesome, though)
Algernon William
Of course it's pretentious, but it also happens to have the greatest meaning ever! I'd love to work this into a child's name, just so they could have "having a moustache" in their name.
My picks:
Algernon Cyril
Algernon Francis
Algernon Gaspard
Algernon Louis
Algernon Perry
Algernon Philippe
Algernon Thomas
Algernon Vincent
My picks:
Algernon Cyril
Algernon Francis
Algernon Gaspard
Algernon Louis
Algernon Perry
Algernon Philippe
Algernon Thomas
Algernon Vincent