What does everyone think of the name Robin, for a boy?
Prefer it on a girl.
Love it like crazy on a boy! (Annoys me on a girl)
Bleh. I have the feeling it's rather trashy. I have two (male) cousins called Robin but it never worked for me.
I like it, both on its own and as a nn for Robert.
Cute. :)
Like it!
I prefer it for a boy.
I prefer it for a boy.
My best friend's name is Robyn (f) and I secretly prefer Robin for boys. It is a bit of a gp, but nothing I'd really want to use.
I think it's frigging adorable TBH.
I like it, but I probably won't ever use it, sadly. My mom wanted to name my brother Christopher Robin, but my dad said absolutely not.
Not crazy about it for either sex, but it's all right.
I like it for a boy.
love it
I rather like it and have been thinking about it somewhat lately. It's really not bad.
Dont like it. I only like it on a girl
I love it on a boy! I've never seen it used here in the US, only in Britain, so it seems very English to me.
Robin is a boy name where I'm from. I like it and I think it's a sweet name but I can also imagine it on a very masculine man. It's definitely underrated.
I really like it. It's handsome and underused.
I've always associated it for girl (I have an Aunt Robin so maybe that's why). Maybe as mn.
It's nice, but I think I would prefer it as a nn for Robert.
Thanks everyone, for your thoughts - it's my son's name and was just curious to hear what other's think of it. Obviously I love it :-)