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What do you think of the name Pamela? I recently re-watched the movie 'Riptide' and it's the name of Mary Rexford's little daughter. It didn't really grow on me the first few times I watched the movie, but for some reason, this morning it seems rather sweet to me. Also, any combo suggestions are appreciated. As of right now, I have no idea what I'd like in the middle name spot.Thanks.
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Thanks all!You gave so many great suggestions that I'm having trouble narrowing down to the ones I really, really like. But thanks for the lists! When I decide on a combo (or a few), I'll make another post. :)
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I love Pamela. It grew on me after watching Pam on The Office.Pamela Bernadette
Pamela Charlotte
Pamela Clementine
Pamela Daisy
Pamela Daphne
Pamela Edith
Pamela Estelle
Pamela Helen
Pamela Ivy
Pamela Josephine
Pamela June
Pamela Justine
Pamela Maren
Pamela Marigold
Pamela Maxine
Pamela Pearl
Pamela Pauline
Pamela Rosemary
Pamela Spring
Pamela Violet
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I like Pamela. The meaning is pretty. What I can't stand though is the nn Pam.
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all I think of is Pamela Andersonc
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I'm not the biggest fan, but I don't dislike it either. The best thing about Pamela is that it reminds me of 17th century England and the lusty court of Charles II. I picture a Pamela with a choker of pearls and ringlets in her hair. Her friends would be Arabella, Henrietta, Mary, Cynthia and Barbara. Baroque fun.Sorry for any repeats:Pamela Jane (an oldie but a goodie for a mn)
Pamela Daphne
Pamela Cecily
Pamela Frances
Pamela Rosamund
Pamela Gillian
Pamela Sophie
Pamela Georgina
Pamela Diane
Pamela Marjorie
Pamela Carole
Pamela Abigail
Pamela MaryIs madame pleased?
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Trying to recycle such names reminds me of going to the thrift shop and finding cute things from the past, but mostly not so cute things.Pamela would fall into the "bad thrift shop" pile, in my opinion.Ada = good thrift shop
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I think it's pretty. I prefer it without a nickname. Pamela Vivian / Vivien / Vivienne
Pamela Simone
Pamela Mary
Pamela Gwen
Pamela Guinevere
Pamela Caroline
Pamela Charlotte
Pamela Sophie
Pamela Corinne
Pamela Spring
Pamela Summer
Pamela Autumn
Pamela Winter
Pamela Fern
Pamela Josephine
Pamela Scarlett
Pamela June
Pamela Juniper
Pamela Helen
Pamela Florence
Pamela Ruth
Pamela Therese
Pamela Eve
Pamela Rosamund / Rosamond
Pamela Diane
Pamela Bernadette
Pamela Constance
Pamela Miriam
Pamela Marian
Pamela Clarisse / Clarice
Pamela Claire
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I like it. In Italy it feels as a "young" name, that you wouldn't find on people over 30. But maybe in the US it's more of a "middle-aged" name, a bit dated of people born in the 1960s?Pamela Ellen
Pamela Jane
Pamela Rosalind
Pamela Maud
Pamela Heloise
Pamela Anita
Pamela Gloria
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I have a cousin named Pamela Kae. I like the combination of the one-syllable middle name. As a kid (and sometimes now too) she was Pammy Kae.
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This is my youngest sister's name. I've always rather liked it. Out of the five names that my mother had to choose for her five children, I've always thought that this was the best one she came up with. Pamela is a sweet, very literary name. However, my sister is always called Pam, (when she was a child it was Pammy), and I'm not too terribly fond of that.Some people think that Pamela is a typical dated fifties and sixties name, but I've only known one other Pamela, and she was born in 1985.I'm not good at coming up with combos, but my sister's name is Pamela Jill. I really don't like Jill, though. But it goes well with Pamela.
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