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WDYTO Roxelana for a girl? How exaclty would you pronouce it? Any middle name suggestions?Thank you.
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What an intriguing name. It does remind me a bit of the name of some beauty product, though. It's almost Roxana (which I love) but not quite.
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I think its very pretty. I say ROCKS-eh-LAH-nah. This might need a more simple middle name.Roxelana Claire
Roxelana Belle
Roxelana Daisy
Roxelana Eve
Roxelana Catherine
Roxelana June
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It's nice, but a bit OTT. I'm inclined to pronounce it Roh-xeh-LA-na, but I'm not sure if that's the correct pron.Roxelana Amy
Roxelana Julia
Roxelana Joy
Roxelana Claire
Roxelana Sarah
Roxelana Eve
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