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Thanks for all your helpful suggestions about Jayna and Janea. I agree that Janea would be mispronounced and I like the spelling of Jayna alright but I've been trying to come up with something better. What do you think of the spelling Jaina? Also someone's suggestion, Jaena? Would they be pronounced correctly?If you had to choose a spelling, would you choose Jayna, Jaina, Jaena or something else? Thanks a lot!
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Jaina is a pretty name. I would go with the spelling Jaina or Jayna. Jaena is very nice but it might be mispelled or mispronounced maybe.
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I like Jayna.
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I'd be worried some might mispronounce Jaina as JYE-nah, which would NOT be good. :b Jayna is the most straightforward, and would be the least likely to be mispronounced and misspelled.
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I still like Jayna but Jaina is also really pretty and I think it would be pronounced correctly! :)
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I like Jaina fine. I don't think it would be mispronounced. . .
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I like the sound of Jane-a but I understand the problems that you're having with the spelling. The most straightforward approach to my way of thinking would be to spell it Jana. I've known Jane-as with that spelling. OTOH, I've also known Janas and Jannas who pronounced it Jan-a. Since Jayne is a common spelling of Jane (prefer this one), why not Jayna? Sorry, Jaina and Jaena look misspelled to me. Another option for you might be Janina. My husband loves Jane (especially the nick, Janie) and I haven't quite warmed up to that yet so I offered Janina as a compromise which he doesn't like. I still think it's pretty.
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I like Jayna better than Jaina. How about adding an "h" to the end to make it Jaynah? I like Janya better without the "h", but, if you are looking for a different spelling which would be pronounced the same it would work.
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I think Jayna is the best spelling of the three you've listed. Jaina to me looks like it ought to be pronounced "JYE na," which is terrible.
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