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Re: Kevin
Kevin can work on a child in a few years' time, right now, fifty years from now, and fifty years ago. It has an enduring popularity. My sister once said that although she doesn't really like the name itself, she thinks it has a "nice guy" image. That is, for her it always brought to mind a really, sweet, nice guy. Well, maybe she's changed her mind about that now, since Kevin was the name of her first husband and she divorced him.I've never cared for it and never really understood its popularity. To me, it's reminiscent of Marvin and Melvin, two names I really dislike. But then, I love Calvin, which has the same ending as Kevin, Marvin, and Melvin, and sounds quite similar to Kevin. But Calvin has the advantage of the nickname Cal, which I love. But I digress. Kevin has never been a big favorite of mine.

This message was edited 6/7/2009, 7:09 AM

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