Middle name for Alexander?
Looking for good sounding middle name for Alexander, one month old. We still have not registered the baby, Does anyone know how much is the fine in Ontario, Canada for late registretion of baby?
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Alexander Leo
Alexander Michael
Alexander Seth
Alexander James
Alexander Matthew
Alexander Daniel
Alexander Christian
Alexander Stephen
Alexander Jude
Alexander William
Alexander Jordan
Alexander Morgan
Alexander Quinn
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I work with a woman who just named her newborn Alexander Quinn; I think that has a nice ring to it.
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I have no idea about registering a baby in Ontario, Canada, but here are middle names for Alexander:Alexander James
Alexander David
Alexander Seth
Alexander Patrick
Alexander Jonathan
Alexander William
Alexander Cole
Alexander Nicholas
Alexander Paul
Alexander Jeffrey / Geoffrey
Alexander Julian
Alexander Scott
Alexander Joseph
Alexander Joshua
Alexander Christian
Alexander Benjamin
Alexander Thomas
Alexander Wyatt
Alexander Charles
Alexander Jeremy
Alexander Mark
Alexander Marcus
Alexander Casey
Alexander Jude
Alexander Holden
Alexander Shane
Alexander Miles
Alexander Micah
Alexander Michael
Alexander Gideon
Alexander Giles
Alexander Grant
Alexander Brendan
Alexander Vincent
Alexander Garrett
Alexander Stephen / Steven
Alexander Stephan / Stefan
Alexander Nathan
Alexander Jacob
Alexander Mason
Alexander Caleb
Alexander Jonas
Alexander Jonah
Alexander Noah
Alexander Theodore
Alexander Fabian
Alexander Matthias
Alexander Matthew
Alexander Lucas
Alexander Luke
Alexander Malachi
Alexander NigelI'm not sure what sort of middle name you would like, so I listed a variety of names. Some are popular and some are more unusual.
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We were thinking of James or Skye.Skye- Is it too wierd for boy?
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I recommend using Sky rather than Skye since Skye is mostly used for girls. I don't think that Sky is too weird for a boy. It's definitely unisex.

This message was edited 6/4/2009, 11:21 AM

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I've always liked Alexander Joel.
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