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Re: How do you pronounce these?
Esme - Es-may
Amelia - A-meal-ya
Helena - Tricky - I guess Hel-en-a usually but I prefer He-lay-nah.
Cassia - Cas-ee-a
Clementine - Clem-en-tine usually but I like Clem-en-teen at the moment.
Lucia - Loo-see-ah
Kyra - Ky (to rhyme with my)-rah
Dahlia - Dawl-yah but I like Dawl-ee-ah too.
Ines - In-es but really I'm not sure.
Kaia - Ky-ah (ky to rhyme with my)
Liadan - Lee-a-dan
Mireille - Is it supposed to be Mirielle? If it is then Mir-ee-elle. As for Mireille - it looks like Mir-eel but I'm not sure.
Linnea - Lin-ee-ah
Maya - My-ah but I'd rather it was May-ah.Cassius - Cass-ee-us
Elias - El-i-as
Malachi - Mal-a-ky (ky to rhyme with my)
Ivo - I-vo - or maybe ee-vo but I'm not sure.
Matthias - Math-ee-as
Louis - Loo-ee - as Louie would be prn.
Oisin - Osh-een - kind of hard to explain but that's as close I can get.
Mordecai - More-de-ky (ky to rhyme with my)
Taliesin - Tal-ee-sin I guess but I'm not sure.
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