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Re: boooriiiiing (m)
So "boooriiiiiiing" is an appropriate comment but "weird" and "pretentious" are mean?
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uh?Who's saying weird and pretentious are mean comments? As far as I'm concerned, they're perfectly acceptable and I'd never seen anyone else consider them mean.
I didn't even say I found Sarah ugly, that it was actually a nice name made boring by overuse. I just happen to like names that are neither too out-there nor the name of every other person. Btw, I know on my skin what it's like to have a super-popular name, and I didn't enjoy the experience, so it's not out of snobbishness I dislike very common names.Do you ever make posts for purposes other than criticizing other people here?

This message was edited 4/10/2009, 1:45 PM

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