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(jon-kwil) WDYTO it? What color does it sound like?
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Jonquil is an actual color (yellow).See here:
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Dark chocolate, maybe some dark magenta, and a light, almost tooth-pastey blue-green.
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It's green-yellow.I don't like it. It sounds like the name of a drug.
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Yellow, obviously. It`s a daffodil.
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Okay, I didn`t know it was a flower in English. Just that it`s also the French word for daffodil so that`s the first meaning in my mind.
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I think it's really cool and it'd be nice to meet a Jonquil. I think of fresh, clean and rejuvenating lavender.
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Turquoise, yellow and maroon. This name is full of pretty colors.
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I think it's quite intriguing - makes a good mn for a springtime baby or to honour a John or Jonathan when none of the feminine John names will do.
I've got synaesthesia, seeing words and letters in colour - J names are usually orangey but although at first glance I see Jonquil like that the image of a soft yellow or white and yellow flower soon takes over.
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Smoky maroonI quite like it as a middle name. My combo is Mary Adele Jonquil (with Mary Adele used as the first name). Very nice.
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Canary yellow.It's kinda quirky. It's one of those names I'm on the fence about (and have been for a looong time. I just can't make up my mind about it, so it's stuck in limbo somewhere.)
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I think it's all right, if a little mannish sounding for a flower name(maybe it's that Jon- beginning?). I think immediately of the plant, so it's yellow and white to me.
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I think it's beautiful. It's a good name for a flower.
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It is nice. Reminds me of the colour white and yellow like the flowers.
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