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Re: Random BA's + Name from Work
Randall: This is bad enough for a boy.Elvira: Oh god no, now I have that stupid song in my head!Azul Cielo: My Blue Heaven, in other words. Sounds like a fancy resort in Mexico.Chynna Star: Porn-tacular!Gunner Storm: It's raining bombs and there's a hail of bullets.Uriah Ryne: Getting as close to urine as possible.Reno Winston: Comes in special low-tar versions.Rayke Errol: Rayke him over the coals.Breez: Call him the Breez.Hercules: Never manages to do even two chin ups.Friday: Thank goodness it's Friday.Tennessee Deacon: Sounds like he might be handling snakes down in the holler.Stiletto Monroe: Oh gross! Stiletto Monroe, the World's First Porn Star Detective.Serious Edward June: They couldn't be.Tru and Trust: Future con artists.Manhattan Stephanie: She's a lush, sitting at the bar all day drinking Manhattans.Persephanie Jinx: So she's a jinx, is she?Paris Island: Parris Island in South Carolina is the Marine training station.Kalifornia and Klassic: I know they aren't related but they should be. They could become a golf klub and have kaddies.Constant Joy: Until her first public tantrum.Fayt: Fat.Philadelphia: Known everywhere as Filthadelphia.Mystical Rainn: Drug dreams?Amerakiss: Another porn-a-licious name.
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