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Re: Matilda?
I love Matilda, mainly because of the Roald Dahl book. I think the name is quite popular in Australia (possibly because of the song 'Waltzing Matilda') but I don't think I've met anyone with the name here in New Zealand. I like the Matilda spelling best. My biggest (and only, really) problem with the name is that I dislike all of the possible nicknames, so I wouldn't use it as a FN. If I had to choose one I'd probably go with Tilda.
My favourite by far of your combos is Matilda Clare, because it used to be one of mine before I inverted it because of the nn thing (Claire Matilda is my #1 girls name).
The others are a bit old-fashioned. Matilda already has quite a bit of that, and putting it with Winifred and Pearl does nothing to freshen it up.
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