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Camille and Camilla
WDYT? Camille has been growing on me recently. Not sure about Camilla, possibly because I associate it with Prince Charles' wife.
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I for one prefer Camille. For me too the association with Prince Charles' wife is too strong. I can't think of nothing else when I hear Camilla. Plus I think Camille flows a bit better, has a softer sound to it.
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I've always loved Camilla; however, I recently acquainted myself with a lovely girl named Camille, and she's inspired my fondness for the name.
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I prefer Camilla.Despite the association. I think it's gorgeous!Camille is nice too but I can never get "meal worm" out of my head when I say it! I do think it's pretty though.
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Camilla is my mothers name and I prefer that one in Swedish, in english however I think Camille looks and sounds best.
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Ooo, I like both, and also Camellia. Camille is lovely and elegant whereas Camilla seems more frilly and feminissima, simply for that additional 'A', I think. To me, Camilla seems more regal and whimsical while Camille is more down-to-earth and practical.The Duchess of Cornwall association doesn't bother me since I like her, but what it does make me think of is the novel by Frances Burney.

This message was edited 2/24/2009, 6:14 AM

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I love and prefer Camille!She is soft yet strong and very beautiful. Iagree that Camille is very hard to find a middle name for. My two favorites are Camille Eloise and Camille Evangeline. Also, I tend to not care for -illa- names just because my warped mind always rhymes them with Gorilla.
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I prefer Camilla over Camille. I find it easier to pick suitable middle names for Camilla. I don't know if this is correct or not, but I pronounce Camilla (Cuh-mill-uh) and Camille (Cuh-meal). Camilla just sounds better to me, with the way I'm pronouncing them at least.
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