What do you think of Dakota for a girl? I really like it at the moment. Is it too trendy? It isn't really common and doesn't remind me of a similar popular name so I think it's fine to use.
I also like it for a boy, but every time I pair it with a masculine middle name, e.g. Dakota Richard, Dakota just looks so feminine next to it.
What do you think? Boy or Girl? How many Dakotas do you know? Of which gender?
I also like it for a boy, but every time I pair it with a masculine middle name, e.g. Dakota Richard, Dakota just looks so feminine next to it.
What do you think? Boy or Girl? How many Dakotas do you know? Of which gender?
I only know one, my brother! He is Dakota Dale...(
My Dakota is a cat
I love it for a girl not for boy :)
I love it for a girl not for boy :)
I like it for a girl or a boy. I don't know any Dakotas.
My brother is named Dakota. He is 21. He name is Dakota Robert.
I don't like it at all. I find it really trendy and childish. It sucks because I really love my brother and want to honor him but I don't think I could bring myself to use Dakota on my child even as a middle name. I just think it sounds tacky and lower class. My brother is none of these things but thinking about the name without him attached, thats how I feel.
I don't like it at all. I find it really trendy and childish. It sucks because I really love my brother and want to honor him but I don't think I could bring myself to use Dakota on my child even as a middle name. I just think it sounds tacky and lower class. My brother is none of these things but thinking about the name without him attached, thats how I feel.
I don't like it. My mother wanted to name me this because it was a character on the soap she was currently watching. I just don't think it makes sense if the kid is not a member of the Dakota tribe.
What do you think of Dakota for a girl? I like it.
Is it too trendy? No
Boy or Girl? Either
How many Dakotas do you know? 0
Of which gender? 0
Is it too trendy? No
Boy or Girl? Either
How many Dakotas do you know? 0
Of which gender? 0
I know ONE Dakota. He is male.
Also, I think it sounds trendy because it fits with things like Cheyenne. You know. Naming a kid after a group you don't belong to.
I really don't like it as a female name. [Actually, I don't like it at all, but I'd prefer it on a boy.] Dakota Richard sounds fine to me.
Similar sound but not related, I do love Nekoda for a boy.
Also, I think it sounds trendy because it fits with things like Cheyenne. You know. Naming a kid after a group you don't belong to.
I really don't like it as a female name. [Actually, I don't like it at all, but I'd prefer it on a boy.] Dakota Richard sounds fine to me.
Similar sound but not related, I do love Nekoda for a boy.
This message was edited 2/17/2009, 3:20 PM
I don't really know if it's the same, but
I know plenty of Christians whose parents weren't religious and who aren't religious themselves. Same with Christina, Christiana, Christine, Christa etc so I don't really think it matters. If you couldn't name a kid Dakota you also couldn't name it Aurélie (unless you were from France) or Christian (unless you were a christian) because those are groups you don't belong to.
I know plenty of Christians whose parents weren't religious and who aren't religious themselves. Same with Christina, Christiana, Christine, Christa etc so I don't really think it matters. If you couldn't name a kid Dakota you also couldn't name it Aurélie (unless you were from France) or Christian (unless you were a christian) because those are groups you don't belong to.
I think Dokota is too feminine for a boy - unless the boy was a brunette. But I think it's fine for a girl. I don't know anyone called that though!
I dont like it for a girl. I like Dakota Richard.