Which ONE do you prefer: Dorothy or Helen?Which ONE do you prefer: Alfred or Oscar?Also do you think Gladys would be a little too much for a little girl today?
I would pick Helen and Alfred. I don't think Gladys would be too much at all, I know a girl who's only 18 named Glynnis and she never had any problems and Gladys seems to be right up that same alley.
The first one is easy, I adore Helen and Dorothy leaves me cold.The second one, agh! Too hard. I adore both, but I guess I would choose Alfred (because I adore Alfie as a nickname, if no Alfie then, definitely Oscar!)Oh, Gladys would be adorable on a little girl today!
Dorothy Oscar (it's one of my favourite boys names)I'd rather meet a little Gladys than another Mackenzie, thats for sure. I think Gladys would be fine.