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I'm starting to fall in love with the name Roxelana. Name love. Questions on this name are two fold-1. How would you pronounce this personally, or even better, correctly?2. Can you think of any combos for this name?Thank you so much!
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I think it's nice.I'd pronounce it rox-eh-lahn-ah.Roxelana Ramonita
Roxelana Antonietta
Roxelana Lucretia
Roxelana Desdemona
Roxelana Anastasia

This message was edited 2/9/2009, 1:57 AM

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Thank you so much! I like/love*-
Roxelana Antonietta
Roxelana Lucretia*
Roxelana Desdemona* -This is amazing.
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OMG, I was thinking about this name today and I didn't even notice this post. I like it a lot, too. I pronounce it rocks-eh-LAHN-ah. Now let's try some combos:Roxelana Haley
Roxelana Blanche
Roxelana Clio
Roxelana Lucine
Roxelana Elspeth
Roxelana Phoebe
Roxelana Phoenix
Roxelana Ylva
Roxelana Lilith
Roxelana Ruby
Roxelana Glory
Roxelana Claire
Roxelana Beatrix / Beatrice
Roxelana Kelly
Roxelana Vesper
Roxelana Skye
Roxelana Frances
Roxelana Idony
Roxelana Lily
Roxelana VioletMeh... I tried.
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You have some great ideas! Thank you very much!
Roxelana Blanche -I love Blanche. Blanchard is a surname in my family.
Roxelana Clio
Roxelana Lucine
Roxelana Phoebe
Roxelana Phoenix -Wonderful image!
Roxelana Ylva -A strong combo.
Roxelana Lilith -Love this!
Roxelana Claire -I've always loved Claire. Clair is the name of my great-grandfather.
Roxelana Beatrix
Roxelana Idony
Roxelana Lily -So beautiful, and it takes a lot for me to think of Lily as beautiful.
Roxelana Violet
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i would guess its pronounced rox-eh-lahn-ah. i've learned that Turkish words dont have any silent letters (at least thats what a Turkish friend of mine told me) so if you see a letter in there (like the E in the middle), pronounce it. If you want to stay with a Turkish name all the way through you could go with:Roxelana Yasemin (yass-eh-meen, this is the name of my friends daughter)
Roxelana Ayse (ay-shuh)
Roxelana Nur (noor)
Roxelana Busra (bush-ruh)
Roxelana Semra
Roxelana Esraor Arabic mn'sRoxelana Basima
Roxelana Basira
Roxelana Fayruz (fair-ooz)
Roxelana Hadia (hah-dee-ya)
Roxelana Hafsa
Roxelana Leila
Roxelana Lujayn (loo-zhayn)
Roxelana Nadia
Roxelana Rabia or Rabea
Roxelana Raja
Roxelana Sadia or Saudia
Roxelana Safiya
Roxelana Samira
Roxelana Shahrazad - this one is a bit of a mouthful but it kinda sounds cool.
Roxelana Taliba
Roxelana Thamina
Roxelana Zayna
Roxelana Zainab
Roxelana Zuleikahope this helps! :)
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Such wonderful combos! Thank you SO much!
Roxelana Yasemin
Roxelana Nur
Roxelana Semra
Roxelana EsraRoxelana Basira
Roxelana Fayruz
Roxelana Hadia
Roxelana Lujayn -Wonderful flow!
Roxelana Rabia
Roxelana Safiya
Roxelana Samira -I love this meaning too! Arabic names have the most amazing meanings.
Roxelana Shahrazad
Roxelana Taliba -Oooh! I love the meaning of Taliba!
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1. Don't know about correct, but my first instinct is rahks-el-AH-na
2. Roxelana Marie, Roxelana Angel, Roxelana... um... well I thought of two :)
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^-^ I love Roxelana Marie, though I don't think I could use it (as I prefer Marie in the fn position). Now that I think of it though, Roxelana Marie makes me think of Roxelana Maryam, which I love, and Roxelana Angel could be Roxelana Angelique. Ah! Thank you so much! Those (Marie, Angel) are great inspiration names!

This message was edited 2/8/2009, 7:52 PM

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1. I think I'd pronounce it Roks-uh-lan-ah.
2. Roxelana Lydia, Grace, Taylor, Megan, Payge, ? I can't think of any right now. Try going through popularities of like 2007 and match up names you think might fit.
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Roxelana Lydia is wonderful, thank you!
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1. I would pronounce it Rox-uh-lahna or Rox-elle-uh-nuh
2. Not in a combo making mood, lol.
My half-sisters name is Roxanne and i like it a lot, so i like the Rox- part.
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Thank you! I like (well, love) the Rox part as well.

This message was edited 2/8/2009, 7:51 PM

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