My dream triplets
Last night I dreamt that I was about to have triplet boys; at some point during the dream, my boyfriend and I discussed the names we planned to use, and he said, "They can be Desmond, Nathan, and Malachi!"
Desmond is clearly my contribution and Nathan is clearly his. Malachi I've been liking lately, but I got the impression that he just kind of pulled it out of nowhere once and I said "hey, that'll work!" I feel like it's a really mismatched set, but I kind of like it. WDYT?
Desmond is clearly my contribution and Nathan is clearly his. Malachi I've been liking lately, but I got the impression that he just kind of pulled it out of nowhere once and I said "hey, that'll work!" I feel like it's a really mismatched set, but I kind of like it. WDYT?