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Re: Bradley
Well, I'm not a fan on Bradley on boys, but on girls I realllly don't like it. It's bound to be shortened to Brad, by someone, and I just don't like that/can't picture it on girls. Sorry.
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Bradley is too masculine for a girlA girl named something overtly masculine is not a nice image in my book. Unisex names are all right, but too many of them seem to be claimed by girls over time.Unless your daughter turns out to be a butch lesbian (or just butch), then I recommend against this one for your daughter.

This message was edited 2/1/2009, 2:25 PM

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DittoAlthough in Boston Legal what's her face and Brad named their daughter Bradley!
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agreeI can't picture Brad on a girl, either. For some reason, the harsh 'RAD' in Bradley sounds too masculine to my ears.If it's honouring, maybe it could be used as a middle name.Much prefer something like Bryn or Bryony for a girl's first name, though.
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