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WDYTO Luljeta?
I believe it's pronounced lull-YET-ah, which I find gorgeous. I love it. WDYTO it? Do you prefer Vered, Sarala, Yesfir, or Siri over this? TIA!
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It's pronounced 'loo-lyeh-tah'(the 'lj' is like 'll' in Spanish).I quite like it since I met a very nice Ljuljeta last month:-)
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I'm liking it a lot lately. I pronounce it lool-YATE-ah. I prefer Siri to Luljeta, but it beats Sarala, Yesfir, and Vered (one of the few Hebrew names I dislike).
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I absolutely love Luljeta (especially pronounced lullyetah). I find it to be a very beautiful name, and I always think of someone very sweet and graceful. Unfortunately people might mispronounce it....but I love the name anyway (more thatn Vered, Sarala, Yesfir or Siri).
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