I love it!
in reply to a message by Lily8
It's my 2nd choice girl's name (but occasionally moves to #1), but it's been on my list for the longest. I really dislike Evie. Eva is all right, but is a completely different name to me. I like it, but I prefer Eve. To me, Eve is simple, peaceful, classic, elegant, and lovely.
I knew an Evie a couple years younger than I. Her full name was Evelyn, though. I don't think Eve is usually used as a nn.
I don't expect it will make a huge rise in popularity. I hope not! I only worry that the trend is moving from Ava to Eva and could move to Eve. But, I don't really expect it because the names seem quite different.
I knew an Evie a couple years younger than I. Her full name was Evelyn, though. I don't think Eve is usually used as a nn.
I don't expect it will make a huge rise in popularity. I hope not! I only worry that the trend is moving from Ava to Eva and could move to Eve. But, I don't really expect it because the names seem quite different.