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English teacher's twins
My English teacher's wife just had twin girls. Their names are Macie Marie and Molly Rae. (Their big brother is named Cole, I don't know the middle name.) What do you think? I think they're cute - maybe a little too cute - but hey, at least they're spelled right!Wdyt?
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Since when is Macie spelled right?They're way too cutesy for me. Way way too cutesy. Now, if they were nicknames for say, Margaret Marie and Mary Rachel, I would like them a lot better. (Margaret Marie doesn't sound good to me but you get the idea I hope)
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Marcie Marie? poor child
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Ew. Way too cutesy and rhymey. Molly is sweet. Macie is awful, whatever spelling and too close to Molly.
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I don't like that Macie Marie varies by one letter, the C and the R. I guess it's good that it's an ay sound on Macie and the uh sound in Marie.Together it's not horrible but I these wouldn't have been my choice.
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I like the name Molly a lot. I think Rae seems much too nicknamish (it was what my mother called me for a nickname when I was a baby). I don't like Macie and I don't think it's spelled correctly. I think it should be spelled Macy. Marie is a pretty name
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I think that they ARE cute, but not too cute. However, the middle names aren't the best choices. Macie Marie sounds too similar..if there's going to be alliteration the names should have different syllables and a different number of letters. Something like Macie Marianne would've been better. I like Molly, but Rae's kind of filler-ish (as is Marie).
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Though it is my dream to have twin girls, i would never name them Molly and Macie. Macie Marie is okay but Molly... it has never really seemed like a 'human' name to me. But congrats to your teacher, i think you should have gave her a lesson on naming. ;)
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I like Molly and Macie, but I don't like the middle names. I have always thought Rae was too masculine sounding for a girl, and Marie is just a fuller. It also bothers me that Macie and Marie are only one letter different. Macie and Molly are not too cutesy. The names are quite old. I would consider them old fashioned before cutesy.
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they sound like a pair of cocker spaniel puppies:)
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yeah defintely very cute, I'm not a fan of giving twins similar sounding names but yeah the names are nice.
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