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Re: True
in reply to a message by Lily8
Have you ever seen that show Tru Calling? In the TV world the name seems cool, but in real world, Tru or True seem to have practical limitations, at least as first name. I find searching for a complementary middle name especially difficult. As a middle name it seems kind of funky and a very creative alternative to all of those other 1 syllable filler names like Lynne, Rose, Jane, etc. Of course that makes it susceptible to becoming a new filler like Pearl. Only time will tell. I much prefer Tru over Truth or True because Tru seems less like a word and more name-like. I have to agree Octavia True, True Emmeline, and True Matilda do sound silly. Estella True might work. But I feel with an unusual name like True, in order for it to work, it must be paired with traditional classic names to provide some balance, and make the name seem effortless. And I really prefer Tru over True. For example:Elizabeth Tru - sort of like Elizabeth Shue, but that similarity doesn't bother me, only validates that the combo works in my mind. Caroline Tru
Bethany Tru
Cynthia Tru
Deborah Tru
Rosemary Tru
Allison Tru
Gabrielle Tru

This message was edited 11/15/2008, 5:59 PM

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