Pronunciation of Bella
How do you pronounce Bella ? Do you say it with a short first syllable as in BEL-la (rhymes with fella hehe) or do you say it with a longer first syllable as in BEH-la or BAY-la ? I watched a TV documentary and a little girl from California who went to Texas for a beauty pageant was named Bella (I saw it written down so i know it wasn't Bayla or something) and they pronounced it BEH-la or BAY-la. I thought that was so weird. It is definitely BEL-la in Italian (i went to Italy and had guys yelling ciao bella so i know how it is supposed to sound). i thought it was only them but also in texas everybody who read it said BEH-la or BAY-la.
how do you say it ?
do you like it as a full name ? i dislike it and also think it's way too common cause it is used as a nickname for isabella, isabelle, annabel, annabella etc
how do you say it ?
do you like it as a full name ? i dislike it and also think it's way too common cause it is used as a nickname for isabella, isabelle, annabel, annabella etc
BELL-uh and . . .
I saw that show too. I think the family was Hispanic so they were pronouncing it as it is pronounced in Spanish.
I saw that show too. I think the family was Hispanic so they were pronouncing it as it is pronounced in Spanish.
but in Spanish it would be BAY-ya not BAY-la
Maybe it was spelled Bela?
no....i saw it written down
BELL-ah rhymes with fella..
I dislike Bella. I think it's childish and prettypretty. I dislike all 'bella' names.
I dislike Bella. I think it's childish and prettypretty. I dislike all 'bella' names.