Elizabeth and Emmeline
Emmeline is growing on me very much. Yeah, I know the whole Emm- trend is annoying, but this isn't used as much, and I think it's so pretty.
Elizabeth. We just studied Elizabeth I of England. She impressed me and saying her full name made me realize it's a cool name. I don't like it's nns, though. Is it too overdone, too?
Elizabeth. We just studied Elizabeth I of England. She impressed me and saying her full name made me realize it's a cool name. I don't like it's nns, though. Is it too overdone, too?
I like Emmeline, would you prn it line or leen? And Elizabeth is pretty but way too overdone, sorry... just cuz you KNOW that everybody'd use a nn, even if you didn't want them to. The most would be to find an uncommon nn you like and use it all the time so that others pick up on it, and it'd save her from the Liz or Beth you don't like. And definitely pair it with something more off-beat, or at least uncommon.*shrug*
"To love another person is to see the face of God." ~Victor Hugo
"To love another person is to see the face of God." ~Victor Hugo
This message was edited 10/13/2005, 7:28 AM
I love Emmeline as well. Even though there are lots of Em- names, I think this one stands out. I'm just hoping it doesn't become popular before I have another girl! I already have two kids with "classy/trendy" names, and if I do have more, I'd like their names to be a little more unique. I know lots of Elizabeths, but very few of them use their full name. Most go by Beth, Liz or Libby, with a few using Eliza or Liza. I think if you use the full name, you won't fall into the "overdone" category.
"The best mask for demoralization is daring." --Lucan
"The best mask for demoralization is daring." --Lucan
Emmeline is nice but probably a little too old-fashioned for my tastes. I wasn't aware that there was an Emm trand though. Emma, Emmaline, Emmet, Emily etc. are all classic names that have been aorudn for ages and I would hardly call them trendy.
Elizabeth is a cool name (I prefer Elisabeth), I'm not opposed to it's nicknames because I think it is a very big name for a little girl to have and some of the nicknames from Elizbeth are quite nice.
Elizabeth is a cool name (I prefer Elisabeth), I'm not opposed to it's nicknames because I think it is a very big name for a little girl to have and some of the nicknames from Elizbeth are quite nice.
I meant trendy in the suddenly overly popular sense, not the unclassic sense.
I really don't like massively popular names but I love Elizabeth. I think it would be best paired with something a little more edgy and modern. With the right name it could be very classic-chic.
Samantha: I can't even be around that man. He's dangerous and toxic.
Carrie: So he's manthrax?
Samantha: I can't even be around that man. He's dangerous and toxic.
Carrie: So he's manthrax?
I love Emmeline. I think it's beautiful and a great alternative to Emma and Emily (I've always loved the name Emily though, but it's just so overused).
I think that Elizabeth is very pretty, but also really boring. I know about a ton of Elizabeths of all ages. I don't dislike the name though, it's still classic and pretty. I really love the spelling Elisabeth.

I think that Elizabeth is very pretty, but also really boring. I know about a ton of Elizabeths of all ages. I don't dislike the name though, it's still classic and pretty. I really love the spelling Elisabeth.