Daphne and Dafna
WDYTO Daphne? It seems quite underrated, but I find it pretty and sophisticated. WDYTO the Hebrew variant Dafna? Which do you prefer?
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Jinkies! Reminds me of Daphne from Scooby Doo! I like it, but I wouldn't personally use it. I much prefer Daphne to Dafna.
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Never heard of Dafna and I really don't like it!Daphne has been growing on me though.
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As usual I prefer Dafna.I love Daphne and would love to use it but all my boyfriend thinks of is Scooby-Doo.Dafna is lovely, though much, much too close to the English word Daffy for me to use, either. I do agree that Daphne is very pretty and sophisticated.
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Maybe you can get him to read "Rebecca"? :-)(m)Because my main association is Daphne du Maurier, as well as the myth of the young woman loved by Apollo and changed into laurel.
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I prefer Daphne, but Dafna could grow on me. I agree: pretty, sophisticaed and underrated. It's soft, feminine and under used at the moment.
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I like Daphne a lot. Its such a spunky name!
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I prefer Daphne, I think it's nice and pleasant.:o)
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I like both, but I prefer Daphne.
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I prefer Daphne..I agree that it is underrated. I dislike Dafna, it just looks wrong to me.
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I prefer Daphne. It just looks prettier to me. I tend to prefer "ph"s over "f"s, though. It still sounds too old fashioned to me but I'm starting to like it more and more.
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Daphne *hands dow*It's a bit common but I think is better from Dafna.I like Daphni or Dafni too
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